Meet Leia, Our New Mattapan Store Manager!

Leia is passionate about her work at Daily Table, and she’s looking forward to bringing that passion to her new position as Store Manager at the new Daily Table store in Mattapan. “I really can’t wait!” she says. “People are going to love the new store. It’s so beautiful and the artwork is great. I can’t wait for people in the neighborhood to see it!”

Leia joined the Daily Table team in October 2021 at the Central Square store. She then moved to the Roxbury store, where she was promoted to Team Leader after less than a year. After getting some hands-on experience in management, she was promoted to Store Manager in the fall of 2022. “It’s wonderful to be able to promote from within,” says Jon Huntley, Director of Operations. “Our team members are terrific and it’s important for them to know they can work hard, learn the business, and advance into leadership roles at Daily Table.”

Leia grew up in Roxbury and her family is still there. She says, “I can see my auntie’s house from the front window of the Roxbury store! I see people I know every day, and they love coming to the store. Daily Table serves a real need. They depend on us being here. People know we have low prices and great food, that they can use SNAP for all the food we sell here, and that we treat everyone right.”

Asked what she likes about working at Daily Table, Leia says, “We’re like a family. We know each other and respect each other–and we have a lot of fun! When I got here, I felt like part of the team the very first day, so that’s how I try to treat the people I manage now: like an important part of a team that’s trying to make our neighborhood a better place. Honestly, I love coming to work here!”

While Leia loved being in Roxbury, her own neighborhood, she is looking forward to building the team in Mattapan and managing a brand new store. She says, “It’s a lot of work, but it’s so exciting. I really think people in Mattapan are going to love having a grocery store in their neighborhood.”


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